KISS – Keep It Simple Silly

Big news, I had my first article posted on another blog site! My current employer The Chopping Block, has given me the opportunity to write a monthly article. Want to know what organic foods you should by, check out The Organic Debate.

Well the Holidays are in full force and I found it easy to slip back into my hosting routine. The changes I do see are that while I like to come up with elaborate food events in my head based on budget and lack of time the mantra “KISS” has to be repeated over and over… Keep It Simply Silly (made some change to make it positive). While keeping it simple definitely limits the stress and maximizes my socializing time, it does take work to stay on track. With that in mind I thought I would start posting some easy fun Thanksgiving Food options for those who may need an extra side dish or some Vegan alternatives.

Our simple menu for my Halloween dinner party consisted of:

 – Roasted Apple and Butternut Squash Soup

– Arugula Salad with Apples and Celery

– Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Our simple menu for the Bi-Election Party consisted of: 

– Italian Comfort Popcorn (not vegan, but it one the vote that night, its simple – plain popcorn, olive oil, salt, fresh ground pepper and freshly grated parmesan cheese, it one in a landslide) 

– Coconut Curry Carmel Corn 

– Mama Emmy Lou’s Special Spaghetti Sauce (it’s a secret for now)

– Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Carmel Frosting (this recipe is still a work in progress)

Stay tuned for some Thanksgiving specialties and if you have any requests I’m up for a cooking challenge.

The Best Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Like peanut butter and jelly, bagels and cream cheese and french fries and ketchup, some foods are better in pairs than alone. This I find true with a cold glass of almond milk and a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, the sweet and saltiness of the cookie is only complimented more with a refreshingly cold glass of milk.

 A dear friend and continual food sampler made a request last week for my Vegan Chocolate Chip cookies, I was slightly confused because I didn’t have a go-to recipe that was Vegan, but of course I was up for the challenge. I came up with one of the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had, and that is saying a lot as my Mother is the chocolate chip cookie queen. You all be the judge.


The Best Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

makes about 20 cookies

  • ¾ c. sugar
  • ½ c. maple syrup
  • ½ teaspoon molasses
  • 8 tablespoons of Earth Balance butter
  • 3 flax eggs – 3 tablespoons of ground flax seed mixed with 9 tablespoons of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • ¾ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups flour – next time I will use white whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour for extra health benefits
  • 2 tablespoons apple sauce (optional)
  • 1 c. vegan semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • ½ c. walnuts (optional)

– Preheat oven at 325

  1. Combine sugar, maple syrup, molasses, Earth Balance and vanilla in mixer and mix until smooth
  2. Make three flax eggs combining 3 tablespoons ground flax seed with 9 tablespoons warm water, let stand for a couple of minutes and then add to butter mixture 
  3. Sift together flour, salt and baking soda 
  4. Add flour mixture in parts to butter and sugar mixture, when fully combined add some more until all ingredients are combined
  5. At this point if you find the dough to be a little dry add in the apple sauce to make the cookies softer
  6. Add in the chocolate chips and if you also want to add walnuts add about ½ a cup
  7. I used a silicone baking mat on the cookie tray and made my cookies larger, but create any size cookie you like and bake for 15 to 20 minutes; check after 15 minutes, the goal is for the cookies to be soft so you don’t want to over bake them.

Enjoy with a cold glass of any of your favorite non-dairy milks!

Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Icing

Today is a very special day for my family. 26 years ago, after being three weeks past her due date, my baby sister was introduced to the Marshall family of three adding the finishing touches to our family unit. She had dark red hair and the sweetest face. I actually have a memory of my Nana making me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to take in the car on the way to the hospital to meet my sister. Although I don’t have any real memory of her I do remember a large balloon in the corner of the room attached to a basket of saltwater taffy, which I enjoyed very much probably more then the baby in my mom’s arms.

Brittany and I are exactly two years and ten days apart. Growing up and sharing our birthdays within ten days of each other was always a challenge for us because we were never good at sharing. To say we had a tumultuous relationship growing up is probably a bit of an understatement. And if you ask either of us to tell you stories they would be vastly different, and I am sure a little exaggerated on both sides!

But the day I left for college our relationship changed, and with time it has only become stronger. While we have embraced the fact that we are very different individuals, we have also become deeply bonded by the fact that we don’t know anyone the way we know each other. To say she is my best friend, confidant and at times big sister is only the truth. Oh we can still fight like champs from time to time, but it only brings us closer in the end. 

Brittany presented me with a challenge for her birthday. She loves these cupcakes that come in a jar, specifically the salted caramel cupcakes. The company that makes them went out of business and she said, “They can’t be remade, especially vegan.” Well like any natural human being I accepted that challenge and voila, here is the final product.

Yeah they need some work, and the official taste test comes tonight. But let me tell you, my fingers could not stay out of the batter bowl, the chocolate cake recipe I made is beyond yummy. My plan is to try to make them again, after I get some notes from the birthday girl, so stay tuned because the final recipe will be posted soon.


I know its been awhile since my last post, and I promise with summer coming to an end I will get back into the kitchen and get some fun things made. Fall and all its flavors is a favorite of mine so I can’t wait to share all the bites with you.

In closing, to my little sister, Happy Birthday, you are such an amazing friend, daughter, fiancé and sister, we are all very blessed to have you in our lives.

A True Blood Treat – Strawberry Shortcake with Coconut Whipped Cream and Chocolate Raspberry Sauce

I am a True Blood fan. I know saying that may make you think many things about me, but I proudly admit that I am addicted and I counted the days until this year’s season premier.  In honor of the season premier and my favorite character Eric Northman, I decided to try out a very new, highly experimental dessert. I wanted to make a treat the represents the rich decadence that is True Blood. So I set out on a mission to find some ideas. Strawberry Shortcake is one of the quintessential summer dessert options so I knew this would be a good starting point in my recipe adventure. The last time I made an Ina Gardner version of strawberry shortcake years ago I did not read the recipe properly and ended up with a very salty shortcake. Of course I didn’t try a bite before I served it. Everyone was a good sport and graciously ate as much as they could. But since that ill-fated attempt I have become very self-conscious when it comes to making shortcake.

Now you can’t have good strawberry shortcake with out whipped cream, and how was I going to find a vegan option for whipped cream that wasn’t loaded with oils and preservatives. Well with a little internet research I came up with a recipe that my friends said reminded them of Cool Whip, and the best part, unlike most whip creams from cans and tubs this creation has no oil, very little sugar and is a 100% natural!

When I think of decadence I think of chocolate, so I decided that on top of the shortcake, strawberries and whipped cream I would add a raspberry chocolate sauce. In the end that was my favorite part of the entire recipe. Like I said my last shortcake attempt was a disaster and therefore I was a little skeptical when my True Blood viewing crew, Ryan and Lauren said they loved it.  Although I trust them I thought maybe they were just being kind. So I had some co-workers try it out as well, and everyone gave me their seal of approval.

Now you may read these directions and think that this recipe is very involved. I would say it only took me about an hour to make all the different parts and it is relatively simple so don’t be discouraged, I promise it is worth every bite.

 Strawberry Shortcake with Coconut Whipped Cream and a

Chocolate Raspberry Sauce

also known as

Eric’s True Blood Treat

Strawberry Shortcake:

serving size 6 to 8

  •  1 ½ pounds strawberries sliced
  • 2 tablespoons Agave Syrup
  • 3 tablespoons Water
  • 2 tablespoons Sugar
  • 2 cups White Whole Wheat Flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ of a box of silken organic firm tofu
  • 1 cup almond milk

–       Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

–       Clean and slice Strawberries, mix with 2 tablespoons of Agave Syrup and 3 tablespoons warm Water, mix and refrigerate

–       How to make Heavy Cream: combine ¾ of a box of Silken Tofu and 1 cup Almond Milk in a blender and combine until smooth, set aside (with the left over tofu, throw it into a smoothie for a creamy delicious treat, and a good way not to waste the rest of the box)

–       Sift together Sugar, White Whole Wheat Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, and Salt

–       Add 1½ cups of the “Heavy Cream” mixture to Flour mixture and combine. If it seems that the shortcake mixture is too dry add some of the remaining cream mixture or add some extra Almond Milk

–       I found that this shortcake becomes very sticky, I would recommend putting the shortcake into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, it may make it easier to handle

–       Scoop out 6-8 medium size balls of shortcake and place on a baking sheet

–       Bake for about 20 to 30 minutes or until the shortcakes are golden on top

Chocolate Raspberry Sauce:

makes about 1 ½ cups

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen Raspberries
  • 2 tablespoons Agave Syrup
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • ½ Vegan Chocolate Chips

–       In a sauce pan combine Raspberries, Water and Agave Syrup and heat until the mixture is bubbling

–       Add vegan Chocolate Chips and stir until Chocolate Chips are fully melted

–       Transfer to blender and blend Chocolate Raspberry mixture until smooth

–       Place mixture in a container and place in the refrigerator until ready to serve

Vegan Coconut Whipped Cream

makes about 3 cups

  • 2 13.5-ounce cans of full fat Coconut Milk
  • 1/3 cup Powdered Sugar (if you want a more sweet whipped cream add more to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon Xanthium Gum (is a white powder that is commonly used as a thickening agent in sauces, it can be found at a health food store or possibly in the health food isle at a regular grocery store, a very little goes a very long way.)
  • 1 tablespoon Vanilla or Coconut Extract

–       Refrigerate both cans of Coconut Milk overnight, or if you are like me, and a terrible procrastinator stick both cans in the freezer for 1 to 2 hours.

–       Place mixing bowl in the refrigerator

–       Open the cans and drain off the clear liquid and transfer the cream to the chilled bowl, make sure to scrape out the cans (If you open the can and don’t see any clear liquid, scoop out the top layer of cream and see if the liquid is in the middle or bottom of the can)

–       Beat the thick Coconut Cream in the chilled bowl with a hand mixer or stand mixer until fluffy

–       Add the Vanilla (or Coconut Extract), then gradually beat in the powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon Xanthium Gum

–       Transfer Whipped Cream to covered storage container place in refrigerator until ready to serve

To assemble the desserts I recommend cutting the shortcakes in half, I drizzled a small amount of the strawberry juice of the bottom shortcake, I placed a small amount of the Chocolate mixture over the sauce. Then I placed the strawberries and whip cream and top with more chocolate. You will love any variation.

Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies

When I began exploring the vegan world I realized the easiest way to introduce my friends and family into this lifestyle was by taking advantage of their “sweet tooth”, “Do you like that? Want more? Its vegan!”

Alicia Silverstone’s book The Kind Diet, was the first vegan book I bought. I was salivating over all the yummy desserts she offered recipes for; peanut butter cups, rice crispy treats, brownies. I loved the idea of baking treats that were better for you. Now before I go any further I must make a Disclaimer: treats are treats, no matter if they are vegan or chocked full of butter and eggs, so the key to remember is moderation!

I had a lot of people to convince that this lifestyle change I was embarking on did not mean I was giving up flavor in exchange for the healthy alternative. So I have been baking a lot, and with each recipe I have started to substitute healthier ingredients, while making sure that the flavor stayed the same. “Do you like that? Want more? Not only is it vegan but I have added fiber, substituted in better sugar and whole wheat!” I promise they couldn’t tell the difference, you won’t be able to either.

Here is one of my most favorite cookie recipes. Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies. What I love most about these cookies is the combination of rolled oats mixed with the gooey raisins and chocolate, together they create such a satisfying flavor. Even my sister who is not a fan of raisins was pleasantly surprised how much she loved the combination. They take no time to whip up, which could be dangerous, but they are simple and delicious.

Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies


1 cup Old-Fashion Oats/ Rolled Oats

1 cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour or Whole Wheat White Flour

2 teaspoons Baking Powder

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

½ teaspoon Salt

½ cup Agave Syrup

2 tablespoons Ground Flax Seed

½ cup Earth Balance Butter

1 teaspoon Vanilla

cup Soy Milk or Almond Milk

½ cup Raisins

½ cup Vegan Chocolate Chips

* Some of the ingredients may be a little foreign, but you will use them a lot so it is a good time to search them out, although I think your local grocery store is as far as you will have to go. Below is an explanation of the ingredients and where you can find them.

1.            Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2.            Soften the butter in the microwave for no more then 30 seconds

3.            You can use a stand mixer or mix the ingredients by hand, mix butter, milk, vanilla and sugars together

4.            In another large bowl, combine oats, flours, baking powder and salt together

5.            Add dry mixture a little at a time to wet ingredients, until combined

6.            Fold in chocolate chips and raisins

7.            Spoon dough onto ungreased cookie sheet, spacing an inch apart

8.            Bake 10-13 minutes or until cookies are set and edges are golden brown
 (watch at 10 minutes you don’t want to over cook the cookies so that they are dry)

9.            Allow cookies to rest on cookie sheet for one minute before transferring to a cooling rack

10.            Enjoy and store any remaining cookies in an airtight container!

Old-Fashion Oats or Rolled Oats: are great, they make a hardy bowl of oatmeal, and I literally have them on my counter in my kitchen because I use them all the time. Bob’s Red Mill brand is where my loyalty lies and you can find Bob’s and all other oat options at grocery stores. Check out the natural foods section, you may spend a dollar more but the ingredient list should only read whole grain oats.

Whole Wheat Pastry Flour/ Whole Wheat White Flour: you will love this for all your baking needs. Not only does it give you the added benefits from whole wheat vs. using the more processed white flour, but also you won’t taste the difference. I usually buy this at Whole Foods, but I know Fred Meyer has it in their natural foods section, as should most other grocery stores.

Agave Syrup: a wonderful addition to the sugar world. Agave Syrup is a sugar product in liquid form that has a lower glycemic index, which means that consuming it won’t raise your insulin levels. Using agave syrups, maple syrups and other sugars in their natural form is always a better substitute to white sugar, because they are a less processed product. You can find agave syrup at most grocery stores and you can buy it in bulk from Costco. If you like sugar in your coffee, try agave syrup it works great. But remember that Agave Syrup is sweeter than sugar so you won’t need as much.

Ground Flax Seed: flax seeds contain high levels of dietary fiber, and you all know that adding fiber to your diet can never hurt. Flax seeds also have omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are not only good for your heart but also play a crucial role in brain function and growth and development. They don’t add much to the

flavor of the cookie but I love adding the extra nutrients. You want to make sure you buy the ground flax seed. Once you open the container store the rest in your refrigerator for future recipes. Adding a tablespoon or two to smoothies and oatmeal is a great way to increase your fiber. I believe you can find ground flax seed in the natural section of most grocery stores.

Earth Balance: if you change one habit make it your margarine habit. Margarine brands such as “I Can’t Believe Its

Not Butter,” “Country Crock” and “Blue Bonnet” are the worst foods you can put in your bodies. Margarine is one molecule away from being plastic. If hydrogen wasn’t added to it, it would be plastic. That is like melting your Tupperware and spreading it on a piece of toast. Scientifically the problem with margarine lies with its level of trans fat, largely a man-made fat. Trans fats are formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oils, making the oil more solid and less likely to spoil. This process is called hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation and allows stick margarine to be firm at room temperature. So you want to read the labels to find foods that don’t have hydrogenated oils or partial hydrogenated oils. Earth Balance is a great substitute, it has none of the bad oils, and like everything else in moderation it does the trick. You can also find Earth Balance at many grocery stores.

Milk Substitutes: almond milk, 100% organic soymilk, hemp milk, coconut milk, are all great milk substitutes for you. I won’t go into the gory details, but if you are interested in reading why eliminating milk from your diet is a good idea do some Google searches. With baking unsweetened almond milk and/or soymilk are great options that I always have in my refrigerator. Because of their popularity you can find these products at all grocery stores.

Vegan Chocolate Chips: are simply a darker chocolate chip that has no dairy in it. I get mine at Whole Foods and they say Vegan on the label. But if you can find a chocolate chip with no butter or milk that will work as well. Again search in the natural food section of a grocery store.

Pure.Simple.Bliss by Lindsey Marshall is licensed under


I’m not a Registered Dietitian (RD). For specific medical counseling, please contact a Registered Dietitian or your doctor. My blog posts are based on my own personal knowledge, experience, and opinions.