KISS – Keep It Simple Silly

Big news, I had my first article posted on another blog site! My current employer The Chopping Block, has given me the opportunity to write a monthly article. Want to know what organic foods you should by, check out The Organic Debate.

Well the Holidays are in full force and I found it easy to slip back into my hosting routine. The changes I do see are that while I like to come up with elaborate food events in my head based on budget and lack of time the mantra “KISS” has to be repeated over and over… Keep It Simply Silly (made some change to make it positive). While keeping it simple definitely limits the stress and maximizes my socializing time, it does take work to stay on track. With that in mind I thought I would start posting some easy fun Thanksgiving Food options for those who may need an extra side dish or some Vegan alternatives.

Our simple menu for my Halloween dinner party consisted of:

 – Roasted Apple and Butternut Squash Soup

– Arugula Salad with Apples and Celery

– Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Our simple menu for the Bi-Election Party consisted of: 

– Italian Comfort Popcorn (not vegan, but it one the vote that night, its simple – plain popcorn, olive oil, salt, fresh ground pepper and freshly grated parmesan cheese, it one in a landslide) 

– Coconut Curry Carmel Corn 

– Mama Emmy Lou’s Special Spaghetti Sauce (it’s a secret for now)

– Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Carmel Frosting (this recipe is still a work in progress)

Stay tuned for some Thanksgiving specialties and if you have any requests I’m up for a cooking challenge.

Chiang Mia or Bust!

Chiang Mia or bust! Step number one, try to figure out the bus system in Thailand. While I had heard good things about this form of transportation, I wasn’t sure what my five and a half hour journey would entail. The bus was decked out in these fabulous colors and while I was as comfortable as one can be seated for that duration of time I was slightly concerned about the people who stood in the aisle next to me for most of the journey. All standing did not seem to argue with this form of transport, but all I could think about was how I hate standing on the buses of Chicago and that is only for a thirty minute ride at the most.

After arriving I meet up with these two, Kelsey and Wes. Kelsey is my godparent’s daughter, I’ve known her since our days in diapers and it was fun to reminisce and tell Wes stories of our childhood. She and Wes are teaching English at a school in Chiang Mia and therefore I was able to get the insiders guide of the city. Our first night was spent consuming amazing food and ok beer. To gauge the beer quality lets just say I’m missing PBR. The Thai beer taste reminds me of my college drinking days and Keystone.
The next day I ventured out into the city on a mission, first Kelsey and Wes told me I needed the Nancy Chandler map of Chiang Mia and second I needed a pedicure and manicure stat. I spent the entire day wandering around the streets of the Old City of Chiang Mia, a walled in city full of guesthouses, backpacker hangouts, cafes, shops and message parlors. My guesthouse was in this area just steps from Kelsey and Wes’s school so I got to know my surroundings well. My first meal was a Thai Iced Tea, while the sweetness sent my tastebuds into a tailspin I could see how people enjoyed the tea flavor, but I was concerned that the drink would give me diabetes and therefore I’ve steered clear ever since. After that I needed a break from Thai food and came across Dada Kafe, this would become my breakfast hangout for the rest of my stay, but to start I had this sandwich. A vegetarian delight, so fresh and a welcome break from the heat and spice of Thailand. Next up was mango sticky rice, again I thought I would fall into a sugar coma based on the flavor.

The rest of my time spent in Chiang Mia was centered around leisurely exploring the city. My favorite activity was to simply sit in a cafe and people watch, enjoy the cool temperatures that the northern region had to offer. I did venture out on a self guided Wat tour based on Lonely Plants direction. A Wat is a Buddhist monastery or temple, bathed in gold and images of the Buddha. This tour led me to the second best meal I enjoyed in Chiang Mia, Blue Diamond had an amazing Pad See Ew and of course papaya salad. The salad was so spicy my lips burned for minutes after, which was a glorious reminder of the amazing flavors I had just enjoyed.

My favorite meal was one Wes made for Kelsey and I. It was centered around a spicy pumpkin dish and when I say spicy I mean after burn for minutes spicy. Wes has a flare for spice and knowing I was up for the challenge he put me to the test of 6 or 7 Thai chilies. I made him give me the recipe which I will share with you when I return, but I will remember that dinner fondly.

Although Chiang Mia may be the second biggest city in Thailand it is very manageable and was a nice transition out of jungle. My time flew by even though I made a point to not be in a rush to see it all, I just wanted to rest and relax which is exactly what I did. One night after my walking tour I took advantage of a hour long foot and reflexology message for a grand total of $5. On the way back to my guest house I came upon a little hangout called Peppermint Cafe where I ordered these two treats. Then needing something sweet I ended the night with my second try at mongo sticky rice, this time I enjoyed the perfect combination of natural sweetness from the mango with the light drizzle of the sugary milk. The perfect end to a wonderful day.
The one major tourist attraction I suggest to everyone is Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep. A Wat overlooking the entire city of Chiang Mia. While my visit was hindered by continuous cloud coverage, the Wat was still worth the curvy, winding drive up the mountain.

Happy Halloween Enjoy Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Icing

Happy Halloween! I’ve been trying to pin point why I enjoy this holiday so much especially because the stereotypical reasons such as, fright, gore and that fake spider web stuff is not part of my love of this spooktacular day. No I think I love this day because of my childhood memories. I have this photo back in my parent’s house of my dad, sister and I all bundled up on the back porch shivering as we cut into our pumpkins. I remember the goo inside the pumpkin was so cold and slimy that my hands almost burned they were so frozen from scooping out the seeds. And even though our teeth were chattering there was no way we were going to miss out on this tradition. Every year we would get a free pumpkin from our school and I would always choose one that was way too big of course not remembering the colossal climb I had home from the bus stop. And then my sister and I would have to wait the entire weekend until after church on Sunday to go onto the back porch on this gray wooden picnic table where we would carve our masterpieces. Actually it was more like we would draw some crazy design and my father would do all the work for us. All that was required from us was scooping out the seeds. My mom just informed me that after 30 years that gray table just became wood kindling and I told her that she just turned my childhood memories into a pile of wood for this winters fireplace.

Another memory of mine was the Halloween costumes and the meal before the trick-or-treating began. One thing to know if you live in Utah always build a turtleneck into your child’s costume, because it always snows on Halloween night. Every year of trick-or-treating started off with dinner at my cousin’s house, our home was in this really hilly neighborhood in Park City, in comparison to Chicago it would be considered mountainous, but my cousins lived in the prime trick-or-treating neighborhood. We would all get together for dinner and take pictures in our costumes before embarking into the cold for our candy hunt. Actually my dad and my uncle would drive us around the neighborhood. The costumes were amazing as well; my mom deserves all the credit as I think she made almost all of my costumes. 

Once I moved to Chicago I started to tap into my childhood traditions by having a pumpkin carving party, which consisted of carving pumpkins, eating a home cooked meal, drinking warm spiked apple cider, and ending the night by cringing through the newest scary movie. Our first year we had theses early snows in Chicago and I remember everyone frantically trying to carve their pumpkins outside. Of course I had bought the largest pumpkin I could find and I lugged it the block from the grocery store back to my apartment. When I went to carve it I realized why my father did all the carving, there was no way I was going to make a dent in this guy.

While the trick-or-treating has turned into other more adult activities, everyone still deserves a sweet treat. These cupcakes are so simple and the icing decoration on the top was an easy festive bonus. I used the plastic spider rings for a little extra fright, but you may have to remind people they are not edible, at least I did.

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Icing

serves 12

1 ¼ cups White Whole Wheat Flour

1 teaspoon Baking Powder

½ teaspoon Baking Soda

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

½ teaspoon Ground Ginger

¼ teaspoon Ground Clove

¼ teaspoon Nutmeg

¼ teaspoon Salt

1 cup Pumpkin

½ cup Maple Syrup

2 tablespoons Plain Coconut Yogurt

½ cup Vegetable Oil

½ cup Almond Milk

(you could also add ½ a cup chocolate chips if you want to add a little something extra)

Icing Ingredients:

¼ cup Vegan Chocolate Chips

¼ cup Almond Milk

2 tablespoons Maple Syrup

– Sift together all dry ingredients

– In a separate bowl combine all wet ingredients

– Combine wet and dry ingredients together

– Scoop cupcakes into cupcake liners so that they are 1/2 to 3/4 full

– Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, when checking to see if cupcakes are cooked press lightly on the top, if your touch does not leave an indentation they are done, you can also check by sticking a toothpick in the middle if it comes out clean they are ready.

– Combine all ingredients over medium head in a small saucepan. Stir until all combined and chocolate has been fully melted

– Set aside for about ten minutes and then use to ice cupcakes

– You can refrigerate left over icing and microwave it when you are ready, set aside after re-heating so that the icing can firm up a bit.

– Some decorating hints: I wanted lots of chocolate on top, so I iced the cupcakes once with a flat knife and then set them in the fridge for 20 minutes before I added more chocolate. For the spider web I made three or four circles and then drew lines coming out of the most inner circle. I used a small tub of store bought white decorating icing.

It’s Fall That Means Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Wow, time has flown by. Last time I wrote it was Labor Day weekend and I was promising you lots of fun Fall recipes and look Halloween is already next weekend. To update you on the Salted Caramel Cupcakes, they were a hit, but I am working on making them in a smaller serving size, stay tuned in December I’ll have the recipe for you.

Back to the Fall season, I’ve been doing a lot of cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. I’m working on perfecting some soups and other non-dessert dishes since the pattern of my blog pots have a very sweet theme.

Outside of the kitchen life has gotten a bit crazy, this is what I call my Wedding Season. My very good friends John and Danielle got married last weekend, in a magnificent wedding here in Chicago.

My best friend Kasey is getting married in Cabo San Lucas in 24 days, and of course you know my sister is getting married in May, so there has been a lot of wedding planning, packing and celebrating.

In honor of my favorite time of year I’ve made a cookie that seems to be a Fall hit! Pumpkin and Chocolate Chips are a wonderful combination and this recipe is simple yet the flavors linger making you crave all activities Fall related, like apple picking and pumpkin carving. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

serving size 12

  • 2 cups White Whole Wheat Flour (or you can do 1 cup whole wheat flour and 1 cup white flour)
  • ¼ cup Brown Sugar
  • ¼ cup Sugar
  • 1 can Pumpkin
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Soda
  • ½ teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • ½ cup Earth Balance Butter
  • ¼ teaspoon Ground Clove
  • ½ teaspoon Ground Ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon Nutmeg
  • 1 cup Vegan Chocolate Chips

    1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees
    2. Combine sugar and Earth Balance butter in electric mixer until fully combined add in vanilla, pumpkin and mix

In a separate bowl combine all other ingredients (you can sift the ingredients together to make the cookies a little less dense)

        I use a strainer over another bowl and combine the dry ingredients and then shake them into the bowl below.

4. Combine wet ingredients with dry ingredients
5. Fold in chocolate chips
6. Bake cookies for 10 to 12 minutes, they are supposed to be soft not too hard

Pure.Simple.Bliss by Lindsey Marshall is licensed under


I’m not a Registered Dietitian (RD). For specific medical counseling, please contact a Registered Dietitian or your doctor. My blog posts are based on my own personal knowledge, experience, and opinions.