PSB Going Global

Pure.Simple.Bliss is about to embark on an international adventure. Join me as I travel through four countries on a nine-week exploration of culture, food, history and self.

Now you may read my itinerary and think wow this is very Eat Pray Love esque. Yes, I do plan to Pray in India, Eat my way through Thailand and while I am never one to turn my nose up at love I don’t need to put any pressure on that area of my life. I want this to be my own journey, maybe not the most original of itineraries but one I created to challenge, search and explore myself. While I never got past the first few chapters of Elisabeth Gilbert’s book I commend her for making changes to her life in pursuit of her own happiness. I do know there may be some parallels between our travels but I do take comfort in the fact that this is my own experience and we shall see what outcomes lie ahead.

So I will begin my travels in India, I have sporadically practiced yoga for the last ten years. And while I love the idea of meditation I’ve never been able to clear my mind of the endless chatter, even for the two minutes at the end of a yoga class. I knew that a program at an Ashram in India where I would learn the basic structure of yoga and the philosophy and technique of meditation would be a perfect opportunity.

My checklist of “must see destinations” has always included Thailand. I don’t know where the fascination lies, maybe just in the fact that the Thai food delivery guy knows me after so many deliveries. Or maybe it has to do with the magnificent island footage from many movies and TV shows such as Lost and The Beach. Needless to say Thailand was the driving force, which brought my attention to South East Asia.

Vietnam is a location that I know little about; I have only read what our history books have told us about the country. But I am mesmerized by the photos of the scenery and by the fact that the country only started allowing tourists to visit in 1991. There is something exciting about exploring a country that hasn’t been over saturated with western tourists.

Cambodia was the last area that I added to my itinerary. A country that has suffered so much from the cruelty of war and genocide. I am fascinated by their strength as a country and I am very eager to learn more about their history and culture.

So with that knowledge I put together a rough itinerary, which may change as I travel further along the way. Join me for stories about all of my challenges and adventures; I hope to keep you as entertained as I am sure I will be.

The Itinerary:

June 26th to June 30th – arrive in Delhi, India

July 1st to July 14th – Rishikesh, India “Birth Place of Yoga” – Yoga and Meditation stay at the Ashram – Parmarth Niketan Ashram

July 15th  – Bangkok Thailand

July 16th to July 21st – Elephant Sanctuary – Boon Lotts Elephant Sanctuary

July 22nd to July 29th – Chiang Mai, Thailand

July 30th to August 5th – Cambodia

August 6th to August 19th – Southern Thailand

August 20th to September 2nd – Vietnam

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