To Boston With Love

Two weeks ago I ran my first race of 2013, the largest 8k in the world as it is touted and the first race of the season for many. Each year I complain about the crowds of runners; 37,000 in total this year and the hot fluke weather we always have. ChicagoYet each year I sign up and join the sea of green that shuffles through the streets of Chicago. This year I debated showing up, not knowing about the weather, my training ability and the fact I had over scheduled myself. But I couldn’t justify throwing away the entry fee, so as I calmly stood waiting at the start line I decided to just run and enjoy. Mile after mile I checked in only to be shocked at my time, each mile was a minute and a half faster than my normal pace and with each stride I felt better and better. As I crossed the finished line I realized I had smashed my previous times and had set a glorious PR. As I collected my bananas and water I called my dad so proud of my accomplishment. I said “dad you know what… this is my racing year! Bring on the Chicago Marathon!”

Monday April 15th rolled around just like any other Monday, for most of us it was tax deadline day, but for Boston it was marathon day. As a runner I always whisper quiet wishes of getting to run the iconic Boston Marathon, a goal and a dream that sits in the back of my mind. Every year I watch in awe of the athletic ability as it sprints its way through the AZparentshistoric streets of Boston. But more than being inspired by the runners, I look to the crowds cheering along and celebrating this day. Without the crowds of spectators screaming their words of praise a race wouldn’t be a race. Without the crowds of well-wishers miles where you feel as if you “hit the wall” would end a race in defeat. Without the support, the flags, the signs and the cheers the finish line would never appear. Without you I would not have accomplished the races I have. So when I heard and saw the horrific images on Monday I was overcome with sadness, because the spectators are the heart, motivation and strength of the runners.

In times of senseless tragedy gracious acts of humanity shine like beacons of hope for us all. To the city of Boston IMG_0988you are in the forethought of our mind, your strength and solidarity is an example of the true American spirit. To the families and friends who were injured, you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. To the Boston Marathon, while Monday has changed you forever, you symbolize courage, love and kindness, may you stand as a symbol of hope, peace and grace for all of us for years to come.

Happy Holiday Blues

There is holiday tune that has the line “I wish it could be this time of year all year long.” When I first heard that a screaming voice in my head yelled, “HELL NO.” So Happy holiday season! Is anyone else not feeling the joy and blessing of this time of year? I’m always so excited to celebrate, deck my home, bake my cookies and daze off in the twinkle of white IMG_1070 lights. This year I feel like I’m missing the holiday spirit and I don’t know why. It could possibly be the fact that global warming is making for some manic weather here in Chicago, and of course each different weather mood consists of no snow. Or maybe just walking out my door and into the streets has me swarmed with over crowded everything, shops, buses, restaurants. It makes me want to hide away.

I had a realization during Thanksgiving, while cooking, and baking and bustling IMG_8732about, I was thinking, why, why do all of this for just one day? And then I started to prep my Bompa’s Cranberry Pie, a recipe so near and dear to my heart I make sure there is extra so I can eat it for post holiday breakfasts for the days to come. Every time I look at the recipe I think of Bompa and the wonderful memories I have of our time together. This is the greatest part of celebrating the holidays with friends and family, we never really remember the pain in our bellies from being filled to the max, or the taste of the meal months later. What we remember is the time in the kitchen learning mom’s tricks to making the moistest turkey or the conversations and laughs around the dinner table. All of my memories of these days are so vivid and so diverse and I need to remember those faces and stories when I’m stressed with kitchen duties, grocery lines and hours of preparation.

So that is my motivation for this time of year, making new memories and keeping with old traditions. The newest tradition that has been in place for the past four years is my annual cookie exchange. What started as a simple bring cookies to exchange party has turned into a battle of baking giants as well as a side splitting white IMG_8759elephant gift exchange and this year was one of the best. Yes while I exhaustively prepped food for days the laughter and newest baking creations made every moment of preparation worth it.IMG_1061

If you are like me and you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed and fearful that the holidays are losing their true meaning, in your moment of stress close your eyes and remember one holiday memory. Then take a deep breath and keep going and if all else fails there are only about 17 days left!


The 2012 winner of the Pooping Reindeer Trophy and Best Cookie was Scott Randel for his Peppermint Oreo BallsIMG_8765

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Look at this attractive man, I know what your thinking, how does he have a daughter that is almost 29 years old he looks like he is in his early 40’s. Well it is only fitting that a man so young and fit should get this a paddle board for his 60th

Birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy! Of course I seem to time your big ones with my international travels, 50 (Spain), 60 (East Asia), but I’m thinking about you and I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays.

Thanks to you and mom for your endless support, without it I wouldn’t be able to be living this experience which has already been life changing. Thank you also for giving Brittany and I such a special place in Cape Cod, this view is the one I look forward to every year, climbing over the crest to Nana’s beach always just a little winded with excitement and need for more physical exercise, I have yet to find a view more fabulous then this.

Have a beer and a lobster for me and have such a wonderful celebration. I miss you and love you forever and always.
xoxo Linds

Happy Halloween Enjoy Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Icing

Happy Halloween! I’ve been trying to pin point why I enjoy this holiday so much especially because the stereotypical reasons such as, fright, gore and that fake spider web stuff is not part of my love of this spooktacular day. No I think I love this day because of my childhood memories. I have this photo back in my parent’s house of my dad, sister and I all bundled up on the back porch shivering as we cut into our pumpkins. I remember the goo inside the pumpkin was so cold and slimy that my hands almost burned they were so frozen from scooping out the seeds. And even though our teeth were chattering there was no way we were going to miss out on this tradition. Every year we would get a free pumpkin from our school and I would always choose one that was way too big of course not remembering the colossal climb I had home from the bus stop. And then my sister and I would have to wait the entire weekend until after church on Sunday to go onto the back porch on this gray wooden picnic table where we would carve our masterpieces. Actually it was more like we would draw some crazy design and my father would do all the work for us. All that was required from us was scooping out the seeds. My mom just informed me that after 30 years that gray table just became wood kindling and I told her that she just turned my childhood memories into a pile of wood for this winters fireplace.

Another memory of mine was the Halloween costumes and the meal before the trick-or-treating began. One thing to know if you live in Utah always build a turtleneck into your child’s costume, because it always snows on Halloween night. Every year of trick-or-treating started off with dinner at my cousin’s house, our home was in this really hilly neighborhood in Park City, in comparison to Chicago it would be considered mountainous, but my cousins lived in the prime trick-or-treating neighborhood. We would all get together for dinner and take pictures in our costumes before embarking into the cold for our candy hunt. Actually my dad and my uncle would drive us around the neighborhood. The costumes were amazing as well; my mom deserves all the credit as I think she made almost all of my costumes. 

Once I moved to Chicago I started to tap into my childhood traditions by having a pumpkin carving party, which consisted of carving pumpkins, eating a home cooked meal, drinking warm spiked apple cider, and ending the night by cringing through the newest scary movie. Our first year we had theses early snows in Chicago and I remember everyone frantically trying to carve their pumpkins outside. Of course I had bought the largest pumpkin I could find and I lugged it the block from the grocery store back to my apartment. When I went to carve it I realized why my father did all the carving, there was no way I was going to make a dent in this guy.

While the trick-or-treating has turned into other more adult activities, everyone still deserves a sweet treat. These cupcakes are so simple and the icing decoration on the top was an easy festive bonus. I used the plastic spider rings for a little extra fright, but you may have to remind people they are not edible, at least I did.

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Icing

serves 12

1 ¼ cups White Whole Wheat Flour

1 teaspoon Baking Powder

½ teaspoon Baking Soda

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

½ teaspoon Ground Ginger

¼ teaspoon Ground Clove

¼ teaspoon Nutmeg

¼ teaspoon Salt

1 cup Pumpkin

½ cup Maple Syrup

2 tablespoons Plain Coconut Yogurt

½ cup Vegetable Oil

½ cup Almond Milk

(you could also add ½ a cup chocolate chips if you want to add a little something extra)

Icing Ingredients:

¼ cup Vegan Chocolate Chips

¼ cup Almond Milk

2 tablespoons Maple Syrup

– Sift together all dry ingredients

– In a separate bowl combine all wet ingredients

– Combine wet and dry ingredients together

– Scoop cupcakes into cupcake liners so that they are 1/2 to 3/4 full

– Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, when checking to see if cupcakes are cooked press lightly on the top, if your touch does not leave an indentation they are done, you can also check by sticking a toothpick in the middle if it comes out clean they are ready.

– Combine all ingredients over medium head in a small saucepan. Stir until all combined and chocolate has been fully melted

– Set aside for about ten minutes and then use to ice cupcakes

– You can refrigerate left over icing and microwave it when you are ready, set aside after re-heating so that the icing can firm up a bit.

– Some decorating hints: I wanted lots of chocolate on top, so I iced the cupcakes once with a flat knife and then set them in the fridge for 20 minutes before I added more chocolate. For the spider web I made three or four circles and then drew lines coming out of the most inner circle. I used a small tub of store bought white decorating icing.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Icing

Today is a very special day for my family. 26 years ago, after being three weeks past her due date, my baby sister was introduced to the Marshall family of three adding the finishing touches to our family unit. She had dark red hair and the sweetest face. I actually have a memory of my Nana making me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to take in the car on the way to the hospital to meet my sister. Although I don’t have any real memory of her I do remember a large balloon in the corner of the room attached to a basket of saltwater taffy, which I enjoyed very much probably more then the baby in my mom’s arms.

Brittany and I are exactly two years and ten days apart. Growing up and sharing our birthdays within ten days of each other was always a challenge for us because we were never good at sharing. To say we had a tumultuous relationship growing up is probably a bit of an understatement. And if you ask either of us to tell you stories they would be vastly different, and I am sure a little exaggerated on both sides!

But the day I left for college our relationship changed, and with time it has only become stronger. While we have embraced the fact that we are very different individuals, we have also become deeply bonded by the fact that we don’t know anyone the way we know each other. To say she is my best friend, confidant and at times big sister is only the truth. Oh we can still fight like champs from time to time, but it only brings us closer in the end. 

Brittany presented me with a challenge for her birthday. She loves these cupcakes that come in a jar, specifically the salted caramel cupcakes. The company that makes them went out of business and she said, “They can’t be remade, especially vegan.” Well like any natural human being I accepted that challenge and voila, here is the final product.

Yeah they need some work, and the official taste test comes tonight. But let me tell you, my fingers could not stay out of the batter bowl, the chocolate cake recipe I made is beyond yummy. My plan is to try to make them again, after I get some notes from the birthday girl, so stay tuned because the final recipe will be posted soon.


I know its been awhile since my last post, and I promise with summer coming to an end I will get back into the kitchen and get some fun things made. Fall and all its flavors is a favorite of mine so I can’t wait to share all the bites with you.

In closing, to my little sister, Happy Birthday, you are such an amazing friend, daughter, fiancé and sister, we are all very blessed to have you in our lives.

Pure.Simple.Bliss by Lindsey Marshall is licensed under


I’m not a Registered Dietitian (RD). For specific medical counseling, please contact a Registered Dietitian or your doctor. My blog posts are based on my own personal knowledge, experience, and opinions.